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Reine-des-Prés Annecy /Carine Veyrat/

If you pass Annecy, you will pass reine-des-prés as it grows in moist places, especially along the rivers and ditches along the roads and fields. It prefers wet meadows, hence its name.

There is another reine-des-prés in Annecy, a cafe owned and operated by Carine Veyrat, the daughter of Marc. Each day she wakes up at 04h00 each day to watch over her work preparing an assortment of pastries and sweets. She was formerly responsible for the deserts and breads working with her dad at la Ferme de mon Père in Megève before it closed.

Today she resides in Annecy and enjoys her life by operating a funky cafe aside the lake. It is low-key, funky design, insode she has a cozy area with plenty of skins to keep you warm. The service is perfect and the place is almost always busy or sold out. Try her brioche with rose praline, blueberry pie or her apple crumble or for more savory, the quiche.

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