Chewing Applied kinesiology |Viva Mayr|

Did you know that the stomach is acidic to prevent bacteria from growing. Then in the small intestine, the pancreas excretes an alkaline medium for the small intestine. So this leads to the question about whether or not it matters if a diet is acid or alkaline.

I am not sure if the safest answer, but at Viva Mayr, there is an emphasis on alkaline diet, and 2/3 of your diet should be alkaline and 1/3 acidic. But whether food is alkaline or not, isn’t the whole story as it also depends on your physical condition after a kinesology test.

At Viva Mayr they test your allergens by using applied kinesiology, a technique used to both diagnose illness and choose treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness.

Gustatory and olfactory stimulation are said to alter the outcome of a manual muscle test. So you lay down and the Doctor begins by testing you strength by using your right arm, and right leg as he drops onto your tongue various substances that simulate chemical compounds, such as yeast, wheat, etc.


He takes your right leg, and with previously weak muscles being strengthened by application of the correct nutritional supplement, and previously strong muscles being weakened by exposure to imbalanced allergens, they determine your allergens and condition.


The bottom-line here is eating raw after 16h00 is almost forbidden, or at least highly not recommended due to the fact that your digestive system is resting. Take it all in stride and consider that a healthy way of life involves chewing your food 50 times or more.

The reasoning behind this is not complex and easy to understand. If you chew your saliva mixes better with your masticated foods, and you digest better. More importantly you’ll eat less and feel full when you are actually full.