Surveyed 894

So just what kind of offenses do Chinese subway commuters endure on their train rides to and from work? A local newspaper in Tianjin, China’s fourth largest city, surveyed 894 people to find out what they think are the “most unforgivable subway manners.”

1. Spitting – 681 votes
2. Defecating in the train or in the station  – 661 votes
3. Smoking on the train or in the station – 581 votes
4. Crowding onto the train without waiting in line – 553 votes
5.  Bringing something stinky the train – 519 votes
6. Lying down across several seats – 514 votes
7. Bringing pets onto the train – 451 votes
8. Spitting out gum in the train – 451 votes
9. Throwing trash around the train – 434 votes
10. Throwing trash onto the tracks – 415 votes

Categories: Facts

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